Wednesday, March 14, 2012

To Cap or Not to Cap...AAE Glass has the Answer

We receive this question from our customers often and would like to address it first hand in case anyone else is curious. The answer is “NO” and there are many reasons why. 

There are two types of fusing decal formulas on the market, put simply, low-fire and high fire. AAE Glass decals are actual enamel and are screen printed. The decals are strong, rich & detailed, this is due to the screen printing process. We are only able to do this with a low-fire formula. The higher the firing temp and formula, the less pigment color (vibrancy) you are able to achieve. This is why we made the conscious decision to stick with a low-fire formula and process.

When Tanya first started decal designing, she had a vision of designing a foreground and a background. Her thought was to create layers of glass scenery (background) while topping it off with a beautiful foreground image. When she first started creating, many years ago, only high fire formula decals were available in very limited designs. After creating a beautiful four layer background, she would place the decal between her final clear coat…not good! The decal design would spread and was distorted due to the amount of glass layers Tanya was using. Determined to achieve her vision on multilayer glass, AAE Glass developed a low fire decal formula that is fired LAST on top of the glass. This way, it would not matter if you used 2, 3 or 6 layers (as most of Tanya’s work does).  The decal can be fired on top of the glass and never distort the image, while focusing on the depth of the glass and really making the foreground decal image stand out. This method of using decals and layering has been a hit with Tanya’s jewelry with over 140 galleries and boutiques carrying her multilayer, scenic decal pendants. No Limits! That is what we at AAE Glass base our business and artistic principals on.

If you would like to learn the layering and design process with Tanya’s glass, please sign up for one of her many workshops at

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